SYGEC International represents a boutique service through our globally located specialist finance platforms which enable financing for infrastructure (private or government) dependent on territorial restrictions with negotiable terms and conditions, as well as enabling direct equipment and materials purchase.
SYGEC represents principal private equity participants in global construction, infrastructure, mining and commodity related opportunities, agriculture, environmental and socio – economic development.
SYGEC International and its strategic partners work closely with its government, quasi government and corporate clients to develop and construct legacy projects that preserve long term social and economic benefits.
In addition SYGEC represents a private independent consulting and finance management advisory service in project finance, fund and asset management in London UK and Hong Kong with an extensive network of relationships, private finance boutiques, large investment banks, private equity and asset management firms and a variety of stock broking companies. This enables access to structured financing, access to sources of a large supply of bank debenture instruments and private placement facilities. As “advisor” SYGEC delivers Strategic Services comprising of general advisory, market intelligence, research and analytics, sourcing strategic partners and document preparation, which can include delivering in depth research reports, competitor analysis, primary market research reports, feasibility studies and undertaking investment strategy reviews.
As “arranger”, SYGEC delivers Capital Services by leveraging our strong relationships with leading investors including mezzanine funds, private equity firms, banks, pension funds, family offices, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds. Funding capabilities are comprehensive and encompass the entire capital structure and our collective intimate knowledge of our investor network means that opportunities are directly aligned with overall objectives and with the most project appropriate investors.